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Kawasaki ER6N / ER6F
Years 2009 to 2014
OEM Right Front Brake Caliper
Condition: Used
Good Working Order
Mount Measurement: 55mm
EX650 / ER6F/N C9F (2009)
EX650 / ER6F/N CAF (2010)
EX650 / ER6F/N CBF (2011)
EX650 / ER6F/N EDS/ECF (2012)
EX650 / ER6F/N EDF (2013)
ER6 F/N EFF (2014)
Fully inspected by ourmechanic, all pistons are moving freely and all nipples and movingparts are greased and within serviceable limits.
Please note we wouldalways advise fitting new brake pads when fitting used calipers.
Please study the pictures in this listing and read the item description before making a purchase. Thank you.
28 Day Warranty